Sunday, October 18, 2009

The Lion King

On October 13th, while George was cruising for dinner, my mother and I went to see 'The Lion King' at the Civic Theatre in Downtown San Diego. We were there in plenty of time and were able to wait seated in the lobby while the plaza filled with theater-goers. We both enjoyed the people-watching and the conversation that we had. I learned a few things about her during our stay on the lobby bench.

We both now enjoy a private joke regarding a harmless prank with a HUGE suv parked illegally in a handicapped spot in the parking garage. Probably just irritated the driver but we could have used the space ourselves!

Mother had trouble hearing the performance because she couldn't find one of her hearing aids before we needed to leave for the theater. Also, a tall, fidgity man in front of her during the first half of the show. During intermission Mother and I went to use the restroom (you know, the long, long line--which actually went very quickly). We traded seats for the second half and it was much better.

I hadn't eaten dinner before going out and so we went to the Denny's in Mission Valley. It was delicious. Mother enjoyed her chocolate cake with her after-thought vanilla ice cream. I enjoyed my hamburger but was especially taken with my seasoned fries with Ranch dressing. Umm.

I returned Mother to her home around 11:30 and then was on my way by midnight.

We had a great time. Now I'm trying to get her to go to one or two operas. That's something she enjoyed doing with Daddy. She's resisting. But I think that I'll be able to pull it off.

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